- (In preparation)
Fact sheet
Paper craft
Press conference materials
Reference material for press conferences.
Year | Date | Contents | File |
2022 | Jun.29 |
1.Hayabusa2 Project results 2.Hayabusa2 Extended Mission 3.Ryugu sample distribution 4.Future plans |
English |
Jan.13 |
1.Details of the Ryugu sample catalogue 2.Future plans 3.Status of spacecraft operations |
English |
2021 | Dec.06 |
1.Report from the curation team 2.Status of spacecraft operations 3.Ryugu sample public release |
English |
Jun.17 |
1.Report from the curation team 2.Report from the initial analysis team |
English |
Apr. 27 |
1.Overview of the current project status 2.Spectral profiles of the Ryugu sample 3.Scientific results: distribution of hydrous minerals on Ryugu 4.Scientific results: polarization observation with ground-based telescope 5.Spacecraft status 6.Future plans |
English |
Mar.19 |
1.Overview of the current project status 2.Curation overview / team introduction 3.Summary of the initial analysis 4.Introduction to the initial analysis team 5.Future plans |
English |
Mar.05 |
Overview 1.Curation woork 2.Analysis of the re-entry capsule 3.Public viewing of the re-entry    capsule 4.Memoriy chip data search system 5.Future plans |
English |
Feb.04 |
Overview 1.Operation status of the spacecraft 2.Curation work 3.Results from the LIDAR optical link    experiment 4.Introduction to the NIRS3 journal paper 5.Introduction to the LIDAR journal paper 6.Future plans |
English |
2020 | Dec.24 |
0.Overview of Hayabusa2 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Curation work 3.Capsule collection group return reports 4.Observations of the Extended Mission    target 5.Public relations / outreach 6.Future plans |
English |
Dec.15 |
Asteroid explorer, Hayabusa2 Press Conference
・Gas sampling at the QLF ・Opening the container in the curation clean room ・Opening Chamber A ・Particle confirmation in chamber A |
English |
Dec.08 |
1.Asteroid explorere, Hayabusa2 Press Conference
・Gas Sampling at Quick Look Facility in Woomera
2.Initial description and analysis of Hayabusa2 returned sample
・A box containing capsules is mounted on an airplane
・Gas Sampling at Quick Look Facility in Woomera
・Cleaning & Disassembling the Container in Class 10K Clean Room at ISAS ・Hayabusa2 clean chamber ・Video of picking samples in CC3-1 (rehearsal) ・Work of Initial Description in N2 environment (CC-4) ・Sample distribution Schedule (plan) |
1. Press Conference Material Japanese English 2.Initial description and analysis of Hayabusa2 returned sample Japanese English |
Dec.06 |
Press conference after the return of the asteroid explorer, Hayabusa2, re-entry capsule
・Hayabusa2 capsule separation operation ・Summary of capsule separation ・Summary of spacecraft operation from launch ・Observation of the re-entry capsule fireball ・Discovery of re-entry capsule ・Imaging with ONC-W2: "Earth, I'm home" ・Imaging with ONC-T: "Earth, I'm going" |
English |
Dec.04 |
Asteroid explorer Hayabusa2 Press Conference
・Hayabusa2 capsule separation operation ・Status of spacecraft re-entry ・Sequence for capsule separation / departure from     Earth's sphere (December 5) ・Movement of spacecraft / capsule during re-entry     (December 6) ・Capsule separation & re-entry schedule ・Preparation for capsule collection ・Observation operation after the Earth swing-by ・Schedule |
English |
Nov.30 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Results from TCM-3 3.Details of capsule separation and re-entry 4.Preparation status for capsule collection 5.Outreach 6.Future plans |
English |
Nov.16 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Results from TCM-2 3.Work plan after capsule collection 4.Preparation status for receiving return samples 5.Future plans |
English |
Oct.29 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Results of TCM-1 3.Preparation status for capsule    collection 4.Ground observations of Ryugu 5.Re-entry open call for observations 6.Outreach / public relations 7.Future plans |
English |
Sep.15 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Extended mission selection 3.Scientific significance of extended mission 4.Future plans |
English |
Sep.2 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Premission to land re-entry capsule in Australia 3.Operation plan for re-entry terminal guidance 4.Outreach 5.Future plans |
English |
Jul.22 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Extended mission proposal: background 3.Extended mission : review process 4.Extended mission: plan outline 5.Future plans |
English |
Jul.14 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Decision for the Earth return date 3.Spacecraft operation plan for Earth return 4.Re-entry capsule collection plan 5.Public relations and outreach plan for    the Earth return 6.Future plans |
English |
Jun.11 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Current trajectory plan 3.Status of the 2nd ion engine operation 4.ONC photometric observations of Ryugu 5.Estimate of the thermophysical properties of    Ryugu with the TIR 6.Future plans |
English |
Feb.20 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Ion engine operation results 3.Outreach 4.Future plans |
Japanese (Mar. 11, amended) English (Mar. 11, uploaded) |
2019 | Dec.19 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Near-asteroid operations summary(JAXA) 3.Near-asteroid operations summary(NEC) 4.Achievements(paper, awards) 5.Return cruise operation plan 6.Future plans |
Japanese (Feb. 21, 2020 uploaded) English (Mar. 11, 2020 uploaded) |
Nov.12 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Details regarding the departure from Ryugu 3.Outreach for Ryugu 4.Future plans |
Japanese (Nov. 13, uploaded) English (Nov.13, uploaded) |
Oct.28 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline
1.Current status and overall schedule    of the project 2.Target marker separation operation results 3.MINERVA-II2(Rover2) separation operation     results 4.Naming the target marker 5.Future plans ・Reference |
Japanese (Nov. 13, uploaded) English (Mar. 11, 2020 uploaded) |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Temporary postponement of the target     marker separation 3.Target marker separation operation results 4.MINERVA-II2(Rover2) separation operation 5.Outreach 6.Reports from international conferences 7.Future plans ・Reference |
Japanese (Oct. 10, uploaded) English (Oct.10, uploaded) | ||
Material prepared by Tohoku University ・Outline of the operation of MINERVA-II2(Rover2)     deployment |
Japanese (Oct. 10, uploaded) English (Oct.10, uploaded) |
Aug.22 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Re-entry capsule collection plan 3.Status of MINERVA-II1 4.About MINERVA-II2 5.Place names related to the artificial crater 6.Future outreach plans 7.Other topics 8.Upcoming events ・Reference material |
Japanese (Aug. 22, uploaded) English (Aug. 22, uploaded) |
Jul.25 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.The 2nd touchdown operation 3.Images from the 2nd touchdown operation 4.Name of the 2nd touchdown point 5.Upcoming events ・Reference material |
Japanese (Jul. 30, uploaded) English (Jul.30, Uploaded) |
Jul.9 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.The 2nd touchdown operation 3.Scientific significance of performing the 2nd     touchdown 4.Message from the JAXA/ISAS Director General 5.Upcoming events ・Reference material |
Japanese (Jul. 10, uploaded) English (Jul.10, uploaded) |
Jun.25 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Low altitude descent observation operation     (PPTD-TIM1B) results 3.Decision on the 2nd touchdown operation 4.The 2nd touchdown operation 5.Upcoming events ・Reference materials |
Japanese (Jul. 5, uploaded) English (Jul.5, uploaded) | |
Jun.11 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Low altitude descent observation operation     (PPTD-TM1A) results 3.Low altitude descent observation operation     (PPTD-TM1B) plans 4.Future operation plans 5.Science results 6.Other topics 7.Upcoming events |
Japanese (Jun. 19, uploaded) English (Jun. 19, uploaded) |
May 22 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Low altitude descent observation operation     (PPTD-TM1) results 3.Future operation plans 4.Upcoming events ・Reference material |
Japanese (May 27, uploaded) English (May 27, uploaded) |
May 9 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Crater Search Operation (Post-SCI) results 3.SCI collision experiment science 4.Future operation plans 5.Science related topics 6.Other topics 7.Future plans ・Reference material |
Japanese (May 13, uploaded) English (May 13, uploaded) |
Api.11 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) operation     results 3.Imaging with the deployable camera (DCAM3) 4.Crater Search Operation (Post-SCI) 5.Other topics 6.Future plans ・Reference material |
Japanese (May 2, uploaded) English (May2, Uploaded) |
Apr.2 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Descent operation results 3.Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) operation 4.Other topics 5.Future plans ・Reference material |
Japanese (Apr. 3, uploaded) English (Apr.3, Uploaded) |
Mar.18 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Descent operation 3.Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) operation 4.Deployable camera 5.Impactor experiment science 6.Other topics 7.Future plans ・Reference material |
Japanese (Mar. 28, uploaded) English (Mar. 28, uploaded) |
Mar.5 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Future operations policy 3.Result of the touchdown operation 4.Images from CAM-H 5.Science comment on the touchdown 6.Future plans ・Reference material |
Japanese (Mar. 5, uploaded) English (Mar. 5, uploaded) |
Feb.20 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Touchdown operation plan 3.Scientific importance of the touchdown 4.Images from BOX-B operation 5.Future plans ・Reference material |
Japanese (Feb. 22, uploaded) English (Feb. 22, uploaded) |
Feb.6 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Touchdown operation plan 3.Projectile firing experiment 4.Scientific importance of the touchdown 5.Future plans ・Amendment ・Reference material |
Japanese (Feb. 8, uploaded) English (Feb. 12, uploaded) |
Jan.8 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Results from the solar conjunction operation 3.Status of the touchdown operation 4.Place names on the surface of Ryugu 5.Other topics 6.Future plans |
Japanese (Jan. 16, uploaded) English (Jan. 16, uploaded) |
2018 | Dec. 13 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Solar conjunction operation report 3.MINERVA-II1 rovers 4.Other 5.Future plans |
Japanese (Dec. 25, uploaded) English (Dec. 25, uploaded) |
Dec.6 |
0.Hayabusa2 and mission flow outline 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Solar conjunction operation report 3.Image release 4.Other 5.Future plans |
Japanese (Dec. 25, uploaded) English (Dec. 25, uploaded) |
Nov.8 |
0.Hayabusa2 overview & mission flow outline 1.Project status & overall schedule 2.TD1-R3 operation report 3.BOX-C operation report 4.Solar conjunction operations 5.DPS Press Conference 6.Ryugu shape model 7.Other 8.Future plans |
Japanese (Nov. 9, uploaded) English (Nov. 9, uploaded) |
Oct.23 |
0.Hayabusa2 overview & mission flow outline 1.Project status & overall schedule 2.TD1-R1-A operation report 3.TD1-R3 operation plan 4.Press conference at DPS 5.Future plans |
Japanese (Oct. 23, uploaded) English (Oct. 23, uploaded) |
Oct.11 |
0.Hayabus2 mission summary & outline of     mission flow 1.Current status and schedule overview for the     project 2.MASCOT separation operation 3.Touchdown rehearsals and plans 4.Future plans |
Japanese (Oct. 15, uploaded) English (Oct. 15, uploaded) |
Sep.27 |
0.Hayabusa2 & mission flow outline 1.Project status & overall schedule 2.MINERVA-II1 newsflash 3.MASCOT release operation 4.Images of Ryugu 5.Other issues 6.Future plans |
Japanese (Sep. 27, uploaded) English (Sep. 27, uploaded) |
Sep.5 |
0.Hayabusa2 & mission flow outline 1.Project status & overall schedule 2.Box-B operation 3.Small Monitoring Camera (CAM-H) 4.Astrodynamics 5.MINERVA-II 6.Operation schedule 7.Future plans |
Japanease (Sep. 6, uploaded) Added JST on graph of p.15 Amended diameter value of p.20 English (Sep.10, uploaded) 9/26:Corrected typo on p.19 |
Aug.23 |
0.Hayabusa2 & mission flow outline 1.Project status & overall schedule 2.Landing site candidates and expected dates 3.Selection of touchdown site candidates 4.Science discussions for touchdown site     candidates 5.Selection of landing site candidates for     MASCOT 6.Selection of landing site candidates for     MINERVA-II 7.Strategy toward the successful touchdown 8.Future plans |
Japanese&English Japanese English |
Aug.02 |
0.Hayabusa2 & mission flow outline 1.Project status & overall schedule 2.Initial observational results with teh laser     altimeter 3.Initial observational results with the infrared     spectrometer 4.Shape model of Ryugu 5.Mission Schedule 6.Cooperative research 7.Future plans |
English (Aug.20, uploaded) |
Jul.19 |
0.Hayabusa2 overview:outline of the mission     flow 1.Current status and overall schedule of the     project 2.Anticipated scientific achievements 3.Expectation for the sample analysis 4.Initial observational results with the    mid-infrared camera (TIR) 5.Mission schedule 6.Future plans |
Japanese English |
Jun.27 |
Arrival of Hayabusa2 at asteroid Ryugu Press conference |
English Amended explanation on p.3 English version uploaded |
Jun.23 |
1.Hayabusa2 on Jun. 23 and Jun. 24 2.Optical navigation 3.Operation overview of Optical navigation 4.Measurements Ryugu's coordinates ・Reference material |
Japanese | |
Jun.21 |
1.Hayabusa2 today, June 21, 2018 2.Images of Ryugu ・Reference material |
Japanease | |
Jun.14 |
0.Hayabusa2 mission overview 1.Current status and project schedule 2.Observation of Ryugu 3.Optical navigation 4.Search for satellites 5.Mission schedule 6.Future plans |
Japanese English |
Jun.7 |
0.Hayabusa2 mission overview 1.Current status and project schedule 2.Ion engine operation 3.Optical navigation 4.Mission schedule 5.Other topics 6.Future plans |
English |