Movies and photos to share the atmosphere of the control room from capsule separation to TCM-5
【Movie】Capsule separation confirmed
Shooting time:14:30, December 5, 2020 (JST)
Location:Control room in ISAS/JAXA
After the orbit and attitude control of Hayabusa2, the operation team members are checking if the capsule separation operation can proceed. The members are carrying out a health check of the capsule, the spacecraft and the ground systems. After confirmation, Hayabusa2 separated the capsule. The distance between Hayabusa2 and the Earth is about 220,000km at this time.
* ISAS: Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
【Movie】TCM-5 Successful!
Shooting time:16:30, December 5, 2020
Location:Control room in ISAS/JAXA
Confirming the success of TCM-5 (trajectory correction maneuver for departure from the Earth’s sphere), the Hayabusa2 team members were jubilant. The time of the confirmation of the TCM-5 success was 16:31, December 5, 2020 (JST).
【Movie】"Daruma" got his eyes painted!
*Daruma are traditional Japanese dolls that are thought to bring good luck. The daruma originally has two blank eyes. The first eye is painted in to represent the goal. When that goal is obtained, the second eye is painted.
【Photos】Capsule separation confirmed
Shooting time:14:35, December 5, 2020 (JST)
Location:Control room in ISAS/JAXA
After the confirmation of capsule separation, the Hayabusa2 team members are delighted with the success. The distance between Hayabusa2 and Earth is about 220,000km at this time.
【Photos】Project members at the TCM-5 operation - Part1
Shooting time:15:00-15:30, December 5, 2020 (JST)
Location:Control room in ISAS/JAXA
Caption: After the separation of the capsule, the Hayabusa2 operation team had to check the condition of the spacecraft and the ground system in order to receive the green light for performing the trajectory correction to depart from the Earth’s sphere. This trajectory correction maneuver was called TCM-5. Here, the Hayabusa2 team is carefully inspecting data to check if the trajectory correction maneuver was executed as planned.
* ISAS: Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
【Photos】Project members at TCM-5 operation - Part2
Shooting time:16:30, December 5, 2020
Location:Control room in ISAS/JAXA
Confirming the success of TCM-5 (trajectory correction maneuver for departure from the Earth’s sphere), the Hayabusa2 team members were jubilant. The time of the confirmation of the TCM-5 success was 16:31, December 5, 2020 (JST).
Hayabusa2 Project