When the start of the second ion engine operation on May 12 was announced to Hayabusa2 project members overseas, they showered the local team with messages! As the current situation with the novel coronavirus is creating difficult times worldwide, we would like to share these encouraging replies that uplifted the team here in Japan.
● Best wishes to everyone. Onward to Australia! --- Trevor Ireland (Australian National Universit/Australia)
● Great work! --- Anthony Carro (NASA/USA)
● I always am uplifted to hear the updates as they come in, especially since they have all been such great reports. --- Stephen Schwartz (University of Arizona/USA)
● Great job! --- Ralf Jaumann (DLR/Germany)
● I continue to be amazed at the capabilities of JAXA. --- Michael Zolensky (NASA/USA)
● Good news in uncertain times. --- Deborah Domingue Lorin (PSI/USA)
● You keep impressing us with Hayabusa2 operations, which are never easy!! The challenges you accomplish give hope that the issues we are facing here will be mitigated!! So you offer both dreams and hope, which are both crucial at this particular time!! Congratulations and please take good care. --- Patrick Michel (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur/France)
● Very good news! Stay well, everyone! --- Gabriele Arnold (DLR/Germany)
●みなさんこの達成おめでとうございます。すばらしい! --- Bernard Marty (Université de Lorraine/France)
【Congratulations to all of you for this achievement. Excellent!】
※ This message was sent in Japanese!
● We at NASA are really happy that things are going so well! Hayabusa2 is an amazing mission and we look forward to its return to the Earth! --- Paul Abell (NASA/USA)
● At this great time of loss and difficulties, it is inspiring to know that their exists real super heroes such as the Hayabusa2 team! Through the wonderful achievements, great hope is offered to the world, that we as humans continue to explore the cosmos and bring encouraging news to us all. This is all wonderful news and I am very, very proud and honored to be a part of the mission. Thank you! --- Harold C. Connolly Jr. (Rowan University/USA & OSIRIS-REx Team)
● Hayabusa2 is just such a fantastic endeavor, and I keep being impressed by all these achievements and how well the spacecraft is operated. We are all very much looking forward to the return of the samples! --- Stephan Ulamec (DLR/Germany)
We would like to thank all our overseas project members for their messages. They really cheered up the whole team!
The worldwide spread of infection from the novel coronavirus has left many people, including medical personnel, in a great deal of difficulty. The Hayabusa2 Project are not able to do anything about the novel coronavirus, except believe that the day will come soon when this will end. While we keep wishing for conditions to improve, we would like to continue with the final challenge for Hayabusa2.
Hayabusa2 project